Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2 years from today...

 It's true, when they say that "no matter how long as passed, you will never forget, your labor story".....

I remember it as if it were yesterday...
      Exactly 2 years from today (8-8-10). I went into the triage center at 5pm. to be induced. (I don't care to share all of the details on here as they are personal). Many Many Many long hours, into labor - I could not get passed 4cm dialated. Soooooo after nearly 42 HOURS ( yes, its true), via c-section, we welcomed Kenley Giada into our lives...... on August 10th, at 9:54pm!!

We are extremely proud parents and could not be happier!


Well, I guess I had to break my promise to keep this blog updated- as its not easy with 3 Facebook accounts, 2 blogs and 3 email accounts! Yikes- modern technology and I need to have a chat on syncing some of this stuff together hah!

I feel as if summer has just began and its time to accept that it is FLYING by! ... Photography life is good, in fact a little too good! ( Be careful what you wish for you might just get it). The Groupon I ran for my business is coming to an end. I have approx 40 sessions scheduled for September- plus 2 weddings! I am trying to get as much as I can done prior to starting my classes so that I can tailor my photography schedule around school.

School?, I know! this came out of nowhere huh? Well, many of you would assume that I would be taking Photography classes- but, um nope! Don't need help in that department ( hence the 40 sessions in September <--- not to "toot my own horn" or anything but I must be doing something right :)

I am actually going to be attending the nursing program. I have no intentions of giving up Photography. I am just trying to follow another passion of mine- while, allowing me to bring in some consistent work part time- so that I can continue to grow my photography business. My 5 year plan includes permanent studio space- preferably downtown Rochester. ( Hey, if don't have dreams, you have nothing). And if that isn't crazy enough- my plan also includes baby #2! lol ..... Well, things have been put on hold in that dept. for a while as I do want to focus on school. I have to know where to draw the line. Wife, mother to a toddler, photographer, student..... lol.

As most of you already know, the hubbs landed a new job. I couldn't be more proud of him. After 10 years of working for his previous company, he needed a change. I am so proud he took the risk- to better himself. He totally deserved this! The new job, is a significant pay increase, better benefits, and has a lot more room for growth ( not to mention that it is 1/2 mile away from where we live). Right now, he has 6 to 8 weeks of training. The hours are a little different than what we are used to. But as of right now- we like them better. He works from 8pm to 4 am. Its perfect- he comes home -sleeps from 4:05ish until about 12:30-1pm. And then has the entire day to spend with Kenley and I. Not to mention - it really helps out with my schedule as well. (for work). Plus- for a few hours at night- I get the bed and all the covers to MYSELF! hehe.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Summer....Summertime...

WoW! It's been a long time!! Photography has been keeping me on my toes these past few months. I can't remember if I shared my info about my new job...... But I was working at Beaumont as as a newborn photographer. The position was not all that I was promised and made more money working for myself, so I quit. Eh, it was "fun" while it lasted. But being your own  boss has even better perks! lol

Well, the cruise came and went! ...... We had a great time- Jamaica was fun, .... Grand Caymen was awesome!!! Would love to go back to stay there again sometime. As much as we enjoy sailing, I think if we do another cruise again- the next time around would do a Disney Cruise. I think our next big family vacation, we might want to do an all inclusive resort. We stayed at one in Jamaica on a day pass. It was the safest and most "Kid friendly" thing for us to do. And we loved it!  It had 5 pools with a waterfall, waterslides, hot tubs..... not to mention a private beach with water activities included. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a laid back excursion in Ochos Rios. We swam with the sting rays in Grand Caymen. Yikes, some of those things were HUGE!  haha... but all and all the scenery was postercard perfect! Prior to our departure on the cruise we stayed a few nights in the south beach area. Kenley loved the ocean! and the sand! When we arrived at the ocean, she put her feet in the sand and started giggling and said " woooooow!!!!!!!!!!" lol!! ..... too cute =)

I seriously can not believe summer is here!! .....Yes, Its true.... last days of my twenties... I feel old lol Today/Tmrw the bestie (Gena Beana) and I are having a yard sale at my house. Did pretty good today- excited to free up some space in the basement and get rid of all the old baby stuff and baby clothes that Kenley has out grown. We are now open to the idea of baby #2, if it happens it happens, but are not wanting to take it serious for at least another year. Things are busy with the business. But I have come along way from my decision to wait a few years! haha. I can't think that I would be as sick as the last pregnancy and let that get in the way. Every pregnancy is different- and believe me the end result was worth every second! Kenley, is our life. I can't even imagine what life was like before we had her! ..... Fireworks are my fav part of summer!! ..... We have a few plans to see some next week!! =) I know Kenley will enjoy them too! good times! .... I have to start getting things together for Kenleys 2nd Bday. At the rate time is flying by it will be here tmrw! lol.... Plus I have a busy 7 weeks ahead of me! I can swear it was just yesterday I planned her first bday. Everyone tells you "they grow up fast" but it isn't until you become a parent that you actually understand, how fast.
Im so so soo proud of her. She can count to 10! Say her ABC's and knows all of her animals and the sounds they make and she is not even 2 yet! I normally hate obnoxious parents going on and on about their kids and if they were some kind of genius. But hey, all and all- what kind of mom would I be if I didn't brag about how proud I am of her.

We are going out of town ( yes, again lol) the first week in July to go to Virigina/Washington DC to visit my brother and sister in law. This will Kenleys 2nd real "road trip". She usually likes the car. But 10 hours is quite a drive! I can't remember the last time we actually spent 10 hours in the car ourselves but, Im sure she will do fine- we are not leaving until the afternoon so she will probably sleep most of the trip which will be easier on her.

Thanks to the lovely issues with our flight going on our last vaca. We were compensated some vouchers for our inconvenience so for hubbs bday gift ( bday is not until aug 23) I used the vouchers towards two flights to Vegas and we only had to pay $100 out of pocket after taxes. So the second week in December- we are going to Vegas baby! woot woot!! ....this will also be the first time we have ever left town without Kenley. But she will be with my parents for 3 days and know she will be in great care. It was be nice to get away and  have time alone with the hubbs too. 

Phew ok- that was alot to say... more to come =)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Wow! Easter is just around the corner! Thank god for rain in our forecast for tomorrow! Rescheduled a few outdoor sessions but glad to have a break! .... things have been going non stop, one session after another- keeping me on my toes!....

So since I am off tomorrow, we are going to take Kenley to Sommerset to visit the Easter Bunny! Excited for some fam time! ... 19 days til vaca! Its coming up so fast, even though I'm counting down its still one of those things that is going to sneak up on me! ...... ugh! I hate packing! .... I always try to wait until the night before to do it because I think I will have time, so then I put it off..... and before you know it the night before I am running around like a chicken without a head! lol....."No way Jose" is that going to happen to me again! I am one organized momma this time around! lol

Speaking of packing... a few weeks ago Chris and I came across a luggage deal I couldn't pass up! So we have new bags... I wanted to start packing some of our things early that we will not need in the meantime but, I have been using one of the new big ones (which will be my bag) to bring along all my blankets,props,space heater....etc. for Newborn sessions!

Tonight, Chris & I...along with my sister and my brother in law..... went to see "Gary Valentine" .. if you do not know who I am talking about- if you have ever watched the shoe "king of queens" its Dougs cousin "Danny" on the show. Who is actually Kevin James brother in real life! .... I seen similarities but never knew until my sis mentioned the upcoming show, that they are brothers. I also did not know that "Valentine" and "James" are not their real last name and are stage names that they go by. hmmm learn something new everyday lol........Anyways we went to see him in Royal Oak at Mark Ridleys Comedy Castle. He was halarious, we had a lttle fun.... now its time to get some shut eye- its LATE....too too late! 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Did I mention....

That I am really excited for our much needed vaca? 24 days and counting! With photo sessions up the "wazoo" haha Things have been a little hectic over here! I should be editing right now, but I just don't have it in me anymore for tonight!

We had a little taste of warm weather last week and it was a teaser!... I was happy as can be- hitting up the salon for a mani -pedi, rocking out my flip flops and lettin my tootsies be free hehe... but then Mother nature, had to set us Michiganders straight and bring us back to reality!lol Hoping she comes around to her senses again and welcomes back the high 70's

 Today Kenley went to the Dr.'s for her check up. She now weighs 24lbs 10oz and is in the 50th percentile for her height and she is 35 inches tall and in the 97th percentile for her height.He says she is going to be a basketball player or a model lol.... He says he sees her being on the tall and slender slide. Love our pediatrician... even though at times I think they are a little over the top with things- I guess its always better to be safe than sorry.
Kenley is talking more and more each day now- its exciting to see how fast she picks up on certain things...  when the weather was warm we had been taking her to the park and so since its been chilly we have not brought her back to the park in a few days. But every day she goes and gets my shoes, brings them to me and says "momma,... walk" and points to the outside and then says... "sliiiide" lol cutest thing!.. she cracks me up! Boy does she love that slide, up down, up down, up down! Such a happy lil thing, she makes my heart melt xo

Last year I started to plan Kenley's bday party early and then it snuck up on me- so this year I plan to try to get as much of a head start as possible. So now I need to just pick a theme! haha...oh me, oh my! where to begin?

Other than that not too much else going on besides lots of work and an upcoming break.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sugar and Spice & Everything nice!

I love to shop for Kenley, I admit it- she has a very extensive wardrobe and she is spoiled! lol .... I enjoy shopping for her- and she is such a girly, girl. She LOVES shoes... she walks around the house slipping her feet into mine and chris's shoes while saying "shoes, shoes, shoes" ... if we are at home and she does not have shoes on she will point to her feet and say "mama, shoes" lol ..... So I guess weather I treated her as a diva or not- she was born to be one lol.....

Today, I had to run to buy buy baby to pick up a few things, so while we were in the area and it was such a nice day, we stopped at Partridge Creek. One of my favorite stores there is "Janie & Jack" some of their things I admit can be absolutely ridiculous... price wise. But it does not mean its not super cute- however, most of the time I can find a few decent sales in there. Today, I walked in, and could not resist lol...... I am soo in love with Navy blue these days and came across a super cute dress for the cruise for her. Its bottom is green and blue plaid- the top part is white and near the straps are too little navy blue bows...... take a look!


Loving this warm weather and looking forward to vaca.... 29 days and counting!! yaay =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

19 months! ... To Kenley...

Kenley you are now 19 months!! I can not believe how fast she is growing up! We are soo very proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We are soo blessed to have you in our lives. You complete us, you make us want to be the best people we can be. As each day passes, it amazes us how many new things you are learning and saying each day. Right now you are on this "teeth" kick.... You love love love to brush your teeth, ....well tooth, that is! haha yep, thats right! Just like mommy- you did not get your first tooth until 18 months. But no worries, you will soon have a mouth full of chompers! hehe.

     If I ask you where your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, head, hair, cheeks, hands, fingers, feet,belly, teeth, & booty ( haha yes, I said booty!) you can point all of them out! ... You also love to walk around the living room with Dadas BIG shoes on your feet!

 Each day your vocabulary is growing and growing! .... You also like to help clean up your toys and love shoes! Yep- my little diva, you are a shoe lover already haha....If you do not have shoes on, you will take some from your room and say "shoes" "shoes" and when I then put them on you giggle.  It's funny to us because when you were a baby, you hated your socks! and your shoes. I used to call you my lil silly hillybilly because you always wanted to be barefoot! lol One minute mommy would be in the store and turn her head for one second and then look over and there is your bare little foot sticking straight up out of the stroller! haha.... Anyways, your 2nd birthday is just months away. We are soo happy =)

You have made us realize what life is really about. We love you soo very much!! xo